Friday, July 1, 2011

"I'm Bored" Summer List

Every parent dreads hearing their child say, "I'm bored".  I made a list of things to do so that I would have a response the next time my son uttered those words.  It has been working great, so I thought I would share some of it with you!
1.  Make an obstacle course
2.  Go on a scavenger hunt
3.  Do a science experiment
4.  Dance to music
5.  Ice cube painting
6.  Roller skate
7.  Put together a puzzle
8.  Make a carmat for little toy cars
9.  Camp indoors on a rainy day (make a tent, let your child pack supplies, watch a movie while cuddling in a     sleeping bag, etc.)
10.  Make playdough
11.  Make monster slime
12.  Write a book together
13.  Paint with shaving cream (my son likes to make pictures on the shower walls)
14.  Play balloon ball
15.  Paint rocks
16.  Cook together
17.  Put on a play
18.  Play a board game
19.  Swap toys for a week with a good friend
20.  Hide gold nuggets (painted rocks) in the sandbox and let your child sift for them
21.  Gather a bunch of fake flowers and play floral shop
22.  Borrow new books from the library
23.  Look at photo albums
24.  Wash outside toys and bikes with soapy water and a hose
25.  Start a collection
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